How to delete item in table wediget?

I created a table wediget on app,I can add item or clear all items from hardware,but i can not find delete command in table’s functions.How can i delete one item from table instead of clear all of it?

If you had a local copy of the data stored on the hardware side you could simply delete/deactivate
the row there and then clear and restore the new table content in the app.

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got it,thks

we Have Same question ( How to delete item in table wediget?)
But How to ~
local copy of the data stored on the hardware side?

@georgechen.jys there are very few Blynk Legacy users left, and you’ve asked questions relating to Blynk Legacy in two different topics, today but those questions are worded so badly that I don’t understand either of them.

I’d suggest that you start a new “need help…” topic and clearly state that your questions relate to Blynk local server, and state which local server and Blynk C++ library you are using, what O/S and hardware platform you are using, and explain in great detail what your questions are.


Dear Pete:
Using mobile dashboard (ios system Phone) Using [taps Widgets]
I has been created tap1/tap2/tap3/tap4/tap5 and so on.
My problem is that … How can delete the items in tap3 (only)?
Using the delete button will delete the taps widgets!
Thanks ~

Do you mean you are using the Tab widget, not the table widget as you stated earlier?

Are you using the Blynk IoT app, or the Blynk Legacy app?


Dear Pete:
I’m sorry …not the table widget as you stated earlier…

We Using Blynk IoT App…to development mobile phone to operate the page
** But Now… how to delete the items in tap3 (only)
Using the delete button will be losted all taps widgets ! (tap1~tap5 all Clear)

Thank Again ~

No, it’s you who stated that it was the Table widget, and you that chose to post in a topic called “How to delete item in table widget”.

The table widget doesn’t exist in Blynk IoT, which is why I ass used that you were running Blynk Legacy.

Individual tabs in the tab widget can be deleted by entering edit mode, selecting the tab widget then sliding the unwanted tab left.

BTW, the word it tab, not tap.
