How to connect Blynk Server URL to My Flutter APP

This My Blynk_Service.dart Code-

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'water_usage_data.dart'; // Make sure this import points to the correct file location.

class BlynkService {
  final String _serverAddress = '';
  final String _authToken = 'hfOV9v8pcSqGi331yjas-vrAKNxzaf9k';
  late WaterUsageData waterUsageData;

  BlynkService() {
    // Initialize your waterUsageData with default values
    waterUsageData = WaterUsageData(
      flowRate: 0.0,
      totalUsed: 0,
      usedToday: 0,
      waterLimit: 0,

  Future<void> _sendGetRequest(String url) async {
    final uri = Uri.parse(url);
    try {
      final response = await http.get(uri);
      if (response.statusCode != 200) {
        print('Request failed with status: ${response.statusCode}.');
    } catch (e) {
      print('An error occurred: $e');

  Future<void> _writeData(String pin, String value) async {
    String url = '$_serverAddress/external/api/update?token=$_authToken&pin=$pin&value=$value';
    await _sendGetRequest(url);

  Future<String> _readData(String pin) async {
    String url = '$_serverAddress/external/api/get?token=$_authToken&pin=$pin';
    try {
      final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url));
      if (response.statusCode == 200) {
        return response.body;
      } else {
        print('Failed to load data from Blynk server. Status code: ${response.statusCode}');
        return 'Error';
    } catch (e) {
      print('Error fetching data from Blynk server: $e');
      return 'Error';

  Future<void> updateWaterUsageData() async {
    // Fetch and parse the data from the Blynk server
    waterUsageData = WaterUsageData(
      flowRate: double.tryParse(await _readData('V0')) ?? 0.0,
      usedToday: int.tryParse(await _readData('V3')) ?? 0,
      totalUsed: int.tryParse(await _readData('V4')) ?? 0,
      waterLimit: int.tryParse(await _readData('V5')) ?? 0, // Replace 'V5' with actual pin for water limit if you have it

  Future<void> handlePayment(double amount) async {
    // Ensure that waterUsageData is up-to-date before handling payment
    await updateWaterUsageData();

    // Add the amount to the current limit and write it back to the Blynk server
    double updatedLimit = waterUsageData.waterLimit + amount;
    await _writeData('V2', updatedLimit.toString()); // Replace 'V2' with the actual pin for updating the water limit

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