How to change delay by setTimeout in SimpleTimer?

Because you are using a for() loop, I am unsure if you can call a timer in it and have the loop “wait” (without blocking) until the timer triggers, before advancing the loop count :thinking:

I think you would need to redesign your preset count loop with a preset count timer… as per my example here using such a timer - C++ Blynk - Code Examples for Basic Tasks (Work in Progress)

Perhaps something like this in Lambda form?

This is completely untested

void SomeLoopFunction) {
 timer.setTimer(500, []() {  // Run this timer every 500ms
    i++;  // Count up
    distance1[i] = getDistance();
    Serial.print("Gia tri: ");
    if(distance1[i]>=4 & distance1[i]<=10){
       d = d+i*10;  
        //phan biet mau 
       color = readColor();
  }, 17); // Run this timer 17 times
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