How to avoid having to update Blynk app on Android

Hi. How can my users avoid the seemingly constant updates to the Android Blynk app? Not that I don’t appreciate the innovation and improvements that come with each update, but my users are (recently) complaining about the need to stop and install updates before they can use the app (they are blocked from logging in until they install the upgrade.) Is there a way to bypass or put off the upgrade and still use the app? Most other apps allow use while not having to (seemingly) constantly update. Oh, and any setting or way to avoid seeing the Blynk promos and notices when logging into the app? My users would like to go right to THEIR app without having to see these ads and notices. Thanks!


We try to avoid forced updates as much as possible. But sometimes we do breaking changes and apps can’t work without these updates, so we have to force users to update. Still, as I said, we try to do it rarely, like a few times a year. (Yes, recently we did 2 forced updates within 1 month, but that was a one-time thing).

Nope. It’s possible only on the business plan. However, I agree it makes sense for PRO users. We’ll check with marketing team.

On the promos - we passed this question to the marketing team.

On the updates, as Dmitriy pointed out, we had only two forced updates in the previous year, and in the future, they will be rare. We are also improving these forced updates so they will not log users as it was in some older builds.

@drewc228 Marketing team here.
On the promos.
Only those users who are developers in your organization receive them because only developers can actually use our new features. So, your clients will not see them. If you are experiencing a different situation please report with the logs for further investigation.

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