How to add a brand logo, foto.jpg to my project blynk 2.0
no blynk 1.0 eu colocava por exmplo uma logomarca no inicio, mas no 2.0 estou com dificuldades de adicionar uma imagem quanquer para melhorar o vizual de apresentação. alguem poderia me ajudar? obrigado
Hello @Frederico . You can add Organization logo in web console Blynk 2.0
Settings->General->and upload image to Logo section ->Then click save button
I thank you, but I explained myself poorly, this is when I already have a project on the phone and for example, instead of placing a button, placing an image.
You can use a widget called “Image Button”
Nice dashboard, by the way!
Thank you PAULO, but believe me I’ve already tried to pull the URL in several ways but I couldn’t. Do you know if it has to be in the code, or would there be a step-by-step guide on how to use it? Thank you one more time!
This should be a direct public URL to an image
Pavel , i created a public link to some images, but without success. do you have an example link to see how it works? thank you for your time
Muito obrigado, a dica resolvido…
Add Image Button widget
Set it’s datastream
Switch to ‘Design’ tab
Tap on On/Off image items
In the opened screen set your image URL, when it loads and shows - click Done
If it is not loading - maybe you are using not supported format - provide the URL to the image and we can say why it wasn’t loaded.