How can i have several map address like as it
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i write this code but the 3rd “Office” (The Value) do not shown on APP.
int City = 1; float lat1 = XX; float lon1 = XX; int Holy = 2; float lat2 = XX; float lon2 = XX; int Office = 3; float lat3 = XX; float lon3 = XX; myMap.location(City, lat1, lon1, "City"); myMap.location(Holy, lat2, lon2, "Home"); myMap.location(Office, lat3, lon3, "Office");
So… not solved then
I don’t know why you can’t get that third location… double check your LAT/LON numbers, perhaps it is placing the 3rd marker elsewhere in the map.
I have successfully placed multiple random locations on a single map.
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very good
i try again