How can I access the project if the handy in which the project made was damaged

I have one question.
If I made the Blynk App on my handy and make some projects. All works fine.
But what happens if the handy was damaged or stolen. So I do not have access to the projects.
How can I come without the handy to the project again, and I do not mean a copy to another handy. I mean the full rights like on the damaged handy.

The projects are stored on the Blynk server.
You can delete the app from your mobile device, and when you add it again and log in with your Blynk credentials the projects associated with your account will be available.
You can also log in to the same account from multiple mobile devices and the same projects/widgets will be there, and the status of the widgets will be synchronised across all of the devices.


Dear Pete, thanks for the information.
Best regards and happy new 2021.

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