Home Assistant integration?

I have 2 aquascape pumps that are wifi controlled with Blynk controllers. I am able to use the Aquascape app, Google Home and Alexa to interface with these pump controllers. Instead of using these apps, I would like to control my pond pumps with Home Assistant (an open source home automation platform). Is there a way to integrate these Blynk controllers into Home Assistant?

Thank you for your help.

As far as I know, both Blynk and Home Assistant have web APIs which you can utilize to control one from the other.

For the Blynk side of things, read here:

For the Home Assistant side of things, read here:

So, to give you an example, if your pump has ON and OFF let’s say (I don’t know your specific use case) and ON and OFF are two states of the V1 Datastream, if you entered this link on your browser:


Your pump would turn ON. Considering 1 is “ON”.
Obviously, by replacing 1 with 0, the pump should turn OFF.

Depending on how you are using your Blynk controlled pump, you should be able to change the corresponding values using the above method.

Now, if on Home Assistant you add this to you configuration.yaml:

    url: "https://blynk.cloud/external/api/update?token=[YOURTOKEN]&v1=1"
    url: "https://blynk.cloud/external/api/update?token=[YOURTOKEN]&v1=0"

By calling the Service “pump_turn_on” you should theoretically see the pump turn on. :smiley:

That being said, AGAIN, read the docs, and figure out what’s best for you.

PS. By using this, in reverse, you could send data FROM blynk, TO your Home Assistant. If your pumps have some kind of sensor going on.

Hope I helped. Good day sir.

These are pumps manufactured by a 3rd party which utilises Blynk’s white label product to create a customised app to control the devices.
The white label product is hosted on a different server, and customers don’t have access to the physical pinouts or the virtual pin schema.


Thank you @bonamin. I did get this working in HA with REST commands without using Blynk. I found a post where someone was using https calls to control their pumps so tried it in HA and it’s working. It would be a lot nicer if Aquascape would provide api that could be used for an integration but …

I’ll post the calls here in case someone else is going down the same rabbit hole I did. (The forum only permits me to post two commands. If anyone would like all of them just contact me.)

url_set_pump_speed: “https://smartcontrol.aquascapeinc.com/external/api/update?token=MyToken&v2={{ states(‘input_number.bog_speed’) |int }}”
url_pump_on: “https://smartcontrol.aquascapeinc.com/external/api/update?token=MyToken&v1=1

I’m glad you found a solution. :slight_smile:

Technically it’s the same idea as I showed you, but as Pete said, since aquascape are using their own server, you are using theirs, to access your devices. :slight_smile: