Help needed with running local server at start-up, Rasp Pi 3

Hi everyone,

I’ve read the various threads on this issue but still cant get it to run on start-up.
I know this is probably a Linux question but any help will be appreciated.

Blynk - IOS app
Raspberry Pi 3 with Stretch installed

I’ve tried both the methods outlined in Docs, crontab -e doesnt work neither does adding “java -jar /home/pi/server-0.39.4.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &” to the /etc/rc.local file.

When typing-

cd Blynk
java -jar server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk

the server starts and runs normally but wont start on reboot.

Thank you in advance for any help.

I had the same issue couple days ago when building a new server. Here is what I found out: make sure the path that contain jar file is correct. Below is my fixed

java -jar /home/pi/Blynk/server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &

In this case, my last file located at /home/pi/Blynk

Hi Key,
Thanks for the reply but it still doesn’t work- please see below for what Ive done

This starts the server correctly-
""pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd Blynk
pi@raspberrypi:~/Blynk $ java -jar server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk

Blynk Server 0.39.5-SNAPSHOT successfully started.
All server output is stored in folder ‘/home/pi/Blynk/logs’ file.
Then I’ve done this in crontab -e

@reboot java -jar /home/pi/Blynk/server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &

And also -
""pi@raspberrypi:~/Blynk $ sudo nano /etc/rc.local

!/bin/sh -e
java -jar /home/pi/Blynk/server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &
exit 0""

Any suggestions on what Im doing wrong?

Here is my cheat sheet, hopefully it will help:


  1.   Login to Raspberry Pi (user name:  pi/4P)
  2.   Open Terminal
  3.   Install Java8

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk

  1.   Check Java version

java -version
5. Create Blynk directory

Mkdir Blynk

  1.   Change directory from root “pi” to “Blynk” directory

cd Blynk

  1.   Download Blynk server file package  (check latest package from HERE)

wget “

  1.   Manual start Blynk server
      java -jar server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk
  2.   At this point, the Blynk Server successfully started.  Take a note on login ID and password for the web portal.  To get out of this terminal windows, press CTRL+C
  3. Enable Blynk server auto start each time power failure or hardware reboot

a. Open Terminal and type: sudo leafpad

b. Browse to FileSystem\etc\rc.local then add this line as below then save it.

java -jar /home/pi/Blynk/server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &

c. At the Terminal, type: crontab –e

d. At the following line then save it.

@reboot java -jar /home/pi/Blynk/server-0.39.4-java8.jar -dataFolder /home/pi/Blynk &
  1. Reboot the server then Blynk should automatically start


Thank you for the help, Ive reinstalled the operating system and followed your post.
Everything is working now.

Thanks again.