[HELP] Issue Connecting ESP32 to Blynk Cloud using BlynkLib Library

Hi Blynk Community,

I’m having trouble connecting my ESP32 to the Blynk Cloud using the BlynkLib library. Here are the details of my setup and the issues I’m facing:


  • Device: ESP32
  • Firmware Version: 1.23.0
  • Blynk Library Version: BlynkLib (for MicroPython)
  • Wi-Fi Network:
    • SSID: Nitro5
    • Password: 0837472950
  • Blynk Auth Token: Rh95uvWr9KWY3F0ubyG2Vq1JkGhVnxqh

I am attempting to connect to the Blynk Cloud using the following code:

import network
import BlynkLib
from machine import Pin
import time

# Wi-Fi credentials
SSID = 'Nitro5'
PASSWORD = '0837472950'

def connect_wifi():
    wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    wlan.connect(SSID, PASSWORD)
    print('Connecting to WiFi...', end='')
    while not wlan.isconnected():
        print('.', end='')
    print(' Connected!')
    print('Network config:', wlan.ifconfig())

# Connect to Wi-Fi

# Blynk Auth Token
BLYNK_AUTH = 'Rh95uvWr9KWY3F0ubyG2Vq1JkGhVnxqh'

# Initialize Blynk
blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH)

# Register virtual pin handler
def v3_write_handler(value):
    print('Current slider value: {}'.format(value[0]))

# Main loop
while True:
    except Exception as e:
        print("An error occurred:", e)

That library doesn’t work for Blynk IoT, you need to use version 1.0.0 of this library:

Note that version 1.0.0 isn’t available as a bundled release, and if you install the 0.2.0 release that is available it won’t work.
You need to manually copy the .py files for 1.0.0

Also note that the syntax has changed significantly, so take a look at the examples to ensure that you’re using the correct methods and syntax.

I’d also suggest that you exit your post to remove your credentials, especially your Blynk Auth token, as this can be used by anyone to control your devices.
