Help connecting with Raspberry Pi Pico?

After my last question, I got everything working to the point where I could send requests to e.g. token here)&code=hello and have it all work correctly. However, I would like to be able to also control my Pico device from the dashboard and as far as I understand that requires a different approach, where I must use from vshymanskyy/blynk-library-python: Blynk library for Python. Works with Python 2, Python 3, MicroPython. (

Iā€™m afraid my knowledge of the underlying networking concepts is quite shaky, so Iā€™m hitting a wall trying to troubleshoot.

These are the steps Iā€™ve taken (apologies for the long post, skip to the end for the summary):

  1. Flashed the Pico with MicroPython v1.17 using Thonny
  2. Copied to /lib folder on the Pico
  3. Tried running the following code example:
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import BlynkLib
import time

BLYNK_AUTH =(my token here)

# initialize Blynk
blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, insecure=True)

tmr_start_time = time.time()
while True:

    t = time.time()
    if t - tmr_start_time > 1:
        print("1 sec elapsed, sending data to the server...")
        blynk.virtual_write(0, "time:" + str(t))
        tmr_start_time += 1

This is the result:

    ___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
        /___/ for Python v1.0.0 (rp2)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 14, in <module>
  File "/lib/", line 207, in <module>
ImportError: no module named 'socket'

(Line 207 is just ā€œimport socketā€)

  1. At this point my understanding is that I need a ā€˜socketā€™ library, I downloaded one from micropython-lib/python-stdlib at master Ā· micropython/micropython-lib (
  2. I saved to the /lib folder on the Pico as (from what Iā€™ve learned so far, naming the file the same as the library causes problems) and changed line 207 in to from Socket import socket. That gives this result:
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
        /___/ for Python v1.0.0 (rp2)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 14, in <module>
  File "/lib/", line 207, in <module>
  File "/lib/", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: no module named 'usocket'
  1. Seems like I now need a ā€˜usocketā€™ library. There is none in the set I downloaded previously but the Thonny package manager has one which is described as MicroPython module usocket ported to CPython so I installed that.
  2. I now get the error ā€œImportError: no module named ā€˜socketā€™ā€ from line 2 in the new, so I checked that to find it only contains this:
import micropython
from socket import *
  1. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s normal - it seems very strange - but I changed the second line to ā€œfrom Socket import *ā€ to match the casing again, and now I get this:
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
        /___/ for Python v1.0.0 (rp2)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 14, in <module>
  File "/lib/", line 207, in <module>
  File "/lib/", line 45, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'socket'
  1. This seems to be the error caused by the file name clashing. Line 45 is ā€œclass socket(_socket.socket):ā€, where _socket is referring to the usocket library I just installed, so I changed the import line to be ā€œfrom usocket import usocket as _socketā€
  2. That gives the error ā€œImportError: canā€™t import name usocketā€. So maybe my previous fix wasnā€™t the right one and I need to rename the usocket file. I changed it to and the imports in the file to:
from Usocket import *
from Usocket import usocket as _socket
  1. Now Iā€™m getting ā€œImportError: canā€™t import name usocketā€. So maybe the file being mostly empty is actually the problem?

At this point I feel like Iā€™m going in circles and just doing things slightly randomly. From reading through this forum it seems that other people have Blynk working properly on a Pico so presumably there is an approach that will work, but I havenā€™t been able to discover exactly what that is.

Iā€™d very much like to validate my assumptions, as well as find out if thereā€™s a working example somewhere that I can build on.

  • Is getting BlynkLib working (to be able to use the only way to have a full 2-way integration?
  • Is it possible to run that on a standard Pico setup or is something else needed? (I was previously using the special Pimoroni build to use their wireless card but I had the same issues with that; I have been able to get it connecting to the open weather api following How To Get Wi-Fi, Internet on Raspberry Pi Pico | Tomā€™s Hardware (

Updating with progress in case it helps someone else in the same situation.

I went back to basics but tried it step by step from the pimoroni side instead of the blynk side. Following the ā€˜Getting startedā€™ section on Pico Wireless Pack ā€“ Pimoroni and making the recommended changes to How To Get Wi-Fi, Internet on Raspberry Pi Pico | Tom's Hardware, it successfully made the call to the weather API (as expected, I had that working previously).

I then added from vshymanskyy/blynk-library-python: Blynk library for Python. Works with Python 2, Python 3, MicroPython. ( to the /lib folder, added the following code to, and ran it again:

import BlynkLib
import time

BLYNK_AUTH =(my token here)

# initialize Blynk
blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, insecure=True)

tmr_start_time = time.time()
while True:

    t = time.time()
    if t - tmr_start_time > 1:
        print("1 sec elapsed, sending data to the server...")
        blynk.virtual_write(0, "time:" + str(t))
        tmr_start_time += 1

That did NOT work (as expected, since it had never worked before), giving me the dreaded ā€œImportError: no module named ā€˜socketā€™ā€ error that Iā€™ve seen so many times over the past month or soā€¦

I went into the file and changed ā€œimport socketā€ to ā€œimport adafruit_esp32spi.adafruit_esp32spi_socket as socketā€. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve tried that previously, but I guess I didnā€™t have everything else quite aligned correctly, because this time it worked!

Thanks to anyone whoā€™s made it through the thread, and good luck to anyone who comes across this by searching with the same issues.

(My next problem is that changing the code to blynk.logEvent(ā€œhelloā€) instead of blynk.virtual_write(0, ā€œtime:ā€ + str(t)) gave an error AttributeError: ā€˜Blynkā€™ object has no attribute ā€˜logEventā€™, but I guess Iā€™ll try troubleshooting that alone before asking for more help.)

The Log event needs to be defined on the platform first so that it knows where to place the details:
Login to the platform
select Templates
Go to the ā€œEventsā€ tab
select ā€œEditā€ in the top right hand corner
Add a new ā€œEventā€
then save and try from you device

Cheers :slight_smile:

I seem to have managed to trigger all sorts of unusual errors. I actually had an event created already, but there was something else wrong that I canā€™t even remember at this pointā€¦

I almost despaired yesterday afternoon when I put this working code back into my project and started getting socket errors again - this time something like ā€œNoType object has no function ā€˜socketā€™ā€. At least by then I knew that there was a possible way of getting it working; the final solution turned out to be making sure there was an active wifi connection before allowing Blynk to try to connect (I had a bunch of async things happening so that wasnā€™t originally guaranteed since I didnā€™t realise it would give an error like this rather than just failing to connect). A whole lot of refactoring later itā€™s now nicely integrated into my state machine and sending notifications just the way I hoped.

Great to hear :metal:

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Hey, I am having the same error. Did you find another way to fix it?