"Getting started"

Hello all :slight_smile:
At first i am sorry for my bad englisch. ;D

I tested the first project with Blynk and have ine question it.

I have a “Arduino Uno” and “Ethernet Shild”.
I want an LED with my smartphone and again turn off.
As is also described on the page.

The problem is this …

I need to connect once more with the PC, so that the Ethernet Shild begins with the traffic the Arduino UNO always after switching on.
Only then start the LEDs to flash on the Ethernetshild.

Is that normal?
Do I need a reboot always the PC?

Hello. Sorry. I read your message twice, but didn’t understand your problem.

Here you can see that I take care of the Arduino with voltage and have connected to the network. but nothing happens.

But when I connect the Arduino through the computer he gets direct connection to the network and everything works.
The black Leiung goes to my computer.

I have no idea why…
I have done exactly what is here .:

Battery is new; D…

It must have something to do with your power supply. Is polarity correct on the 9v supply?
Maybe the 5v regulator on the board is dead?

Is this possible though the green LED lights?

So I started the Arduino times with the power supply and then connected to the computer.
Then I once put up the serial monitor.
Scheinmar infected because even a mistake.
Can someone help me there???

I’m not really sure what you are asking now?
Looks like now you have it connected to the power supply it is working. When you had it connected to the 9volt battery there was no lights.