I’m trying to get a local Blynk server up-and-running, and a couple of questions have come up for me:
- Use of Blynk.begin() in my Arduino Uno sketch. I have a starter sketch running using BLE. It has the following global definition in it:
and then in “setup()”:
Blynk.begin(auth, ble);
I looked in https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-server#app-and-sketch-changes, but saw nothing for BLE. I tried:
char auth[] = "auth token from app";
IPAddress serverAddr(192, 168, 1, 76);
int port = 9443;
Blynk.begin(auth, serverAddr, port, ble);
char auth[] = "auth token from app";
char ssid[] = "admin@blynk.cc";
char pwd[] = "server password specified in server.properties file";
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pwd, ble);
In both cases, the compiler is complaining. What is the correct signature for calling “begin” for use with BLE?
- I’m trying to bring up the admin console for the server in Chrome. When I enter the URL: (using the URL the server indicated on startup) Chrome gave me a page saying “Connection is not private” and would not load the admin console. When I tried, I get a green screen with “Blynk Administration” in the upper left corner, and a login box. When I enter “admin@blynk.cc” and the password I stored in server.properties, the console rejects them (blinks and resets). How can I get logged in?
Thanks very much for helping me get up-and-running!