Getting data from multiple devices in Blynk App

Hi All,

I am very new to using Blynk and IoT so I apologize if this is a straightforward question… I am trying to pull data from multiple devices and display it on my IOS app. These devices are all ESP32’s making the same measurement. I built these devices with the same template for this reason. For instance, I used virtual pin v5 and v6, each tied to its own ESP32, to set up a datastream… unfortunately in the app I am unable to see these two datastreams update simultaneously.

Is this possible in Blynk 2.0 outright? I have seen some threads which indicate I’ll need to send all data to a master device… is this still standard practice? Thank you very much for the help.

The design ethos of Blynk IoT is that each device has its own tile in the device list on your mobile device, but that tile can actually be used to display upto three pieces of key data relating to that device, like this…

If you create a template that is used by all of your devices, and each device sends the data to the SAME datastream (i.e temperature is always sent to V1, humidity to V2 etc for each device) then the key data can be displayed on these tiles, and when you tap on an individual tile you will see the dashboard defined for that template, displaying the data for just the device you’ve selected.

However, if you want to do things like displaying a Superchart graph that shows the values from all of the different devices overlaid on a single Superchart then you’ll need to send that data from each of the individual devices to a master device (but be aware of the restrictions regarding how may datastreams can be plotted on a single Superchart for your Blynk subscription type).


Appreciate the prompt response, Pete. For now the tiles will be sufficient for monitoring all my sensors that I am deploying in my house.

The superchart idea is certainly interesting. I know with ESP32’s you can have up to 8? devices connected to a master via BLE, so for a home gardening scenario this could suffice…

Out of curiosity (as I only am on the maker plan), for a professionally launched app would customers have the ability to see this tile system? I have seen references to things like smart farms in the case studies for Blynk and can’t imagine that one master would suffice for several thousand sensors.

Thank you for the assistance, cheers.


Personally, I wouldn’t use BLE, it complicates the topology and requires you to come-up with some sort of BLE to Blynk bridge device. But I guess it depends on your use-case.
If you’re looking for a battery-operated system with off-the-shelf sensors then BLE or Zigbee/Matter may be something that you have to use, but in that case you’d be using multiple slaves to a master device anyway, which seemed to be something you wanted to avoid.

I have no idea what level of customisation is possible with a Business subscription and large budget, but the case-studies on the website talk about small numbers of controllers in their agriculture section.
