Future plans to integrate with Matter?

Just wondering if there has been any initial thoughts about some kind of integration with Matter? Obviously nothing to be done yet as it looks like 2022 before it’s released, but just thought I’d ask.

No, Cause I never use Matter before.

I’m extremely skeptical about MATTER/CHIP/Zigbee and the alliance has a rather chequered history already…


I agree, this isn’t the first time something like this has been talked about. But Google just talked about their new “Home” product yesterday and how it works with Matter, and Apple and Amazon are supposedly onboard too I believe.

Anyway, point is just curious if Blynk would look into some kind of connection in the future, especially if it does become a standard.

I just read something about Espressif releasing their Matter plans, and also I know they have a thread/zigbee chip coming. Are there any plans/thoughts on integration with Blynk?

We are watching how this development goes. Once it becomes truly a unified protocol for at least smart-home industry, we will consider integration effort.