Filtering Sensor readings depending on ID number

Can Blynk be used to filter out specific sensor data? I’m currently working on a medical IoT project where one of the requirements are to anonymise the patient’s data received from the sensors, so all parts of the data have an ID number. This way if a doctor is supervising a patient using this system, they can hold the data to whom the patient ID is.

Say if the patients ID number is 1234 then only that patients data should be outputted. If another patient has an ID number of 12345 then there data should not be visible.

This sounds like a commercial project.
If that’s the case then the Developer (free) version of the app cant be used.
You would need to sign-up to a licenced plan over at and discuss your requirements with the team there.


Hi Pete,

This is actually a University project, not commercial. I should have addressed this in my first post, sorry.

You should also probably have addressed questions like how many record you’ll be dealing with, and what sort of data you wish to display for each record. Is this a small number of fixed fields, or freeform data?
Also, what type of hardware you are planning to use to store and retrieve the data, and possibly what type of database you are using in the background.
Is this to be a ‘view only’ solution, or is data editing/input needed?

I would imagine that security would be an requirement in this type of project, and the free version of Blynk doesn’t support individual user logins, or any sort of individual user auditing of actions. If I was assessing a project of this type then security would be the top of my checklist, above functionality, usability and look/feel.

The menu widget is one way to allow selection of records, but I’m not sure about the maximum number of menu items that can be displayed.
The numeric input widget is probably a better option, provided you want to select records based just on ID number.

The rest of the functionality - retrieving the correct record from the database and pushing the required data fields to the app - would need to be handled by whatever device you were running the project on. Probably something like an ESP32 would be needed for this, but it depends what type of database you are querying, how many records that has, and what quantity of data you wish to retrieve and push to the app.

This isn’t primarily what Blynk is designed for, so it really depends on what you’re wanting the app to do.


  • The records I’ll be dealing with with be around 5-10.
  • The data I’ll be recording are the 3 sensor values… (BMP280, Force Sensitive Resistor and Humidity Sensor) So I’d say it is freedom data.
  • The hardware I’ll be using is the Arduino Wi-Fi embedded system.
  • I haven’t decided everything yet as I am only in the designing phase of this project. But I’d say that the user will need to input their ID number and the rest will be a ‘View only’ solution.

That’s fine, I think I have found an alternative resource. However, I am trying to see if Blynk is an appropriate solution as it’s best if I have multiple choices.

So are you saying that there will be one MCU per patient?
If so, the. The device selector app may be better suited to your project.
That way you could write the data to the Blynk database and view it via SuperChart.


Ok, and that will assign data with ID numbers?

The data will be specific to the device. If you name the devices with the ID numbers then these will appear in the device selector.

BTW, if you go for the BME280 then it measures temperature and humidity.
