Continuing the discussion from [SOLVED] "Failed to disable echo" PROBLEM:
Checked RX and TX, swapped them just to be sure. No difference.
I tried resetting the Arduino and then powering up the ESP. No difference.
I tried on new hardware, I was using a Pro Mini but set up a breadboard shield with a new ESP (although with an older firmware). Same result.
I am using the sample ESP8266_Shield_SoftSer.ino file, but I add the auth token, SSID and Password, of course.
[UPD: “Failed to disable echo” will most probably be reported as “ESP is not responding” now]
Very occasionally, the blue transmit LED flashes.
I tried connecting directly to the ESP with a terminal program and it only connects at 115200… I understood software serial isn’t very good above 9600, correct? Could this be the problem? Anyone know how I can match the baud rate?
I was able to figure out how to flash AT 0.40 and AT 0.50 on the unit with esptool (let me know if you want to know how). The “best” I got was “Failed to set STA mode” on AT 0.40
I have re read your posts above but still can’t work out what you are trying to do…
Yes, that is too fast.
Attach the ESP to your PC and issue the command AT+CIOBAUD=9600 to set it at 9600.
Mind you, with newer firmwares, I just read, the command changed to AT+IPR=9600 !
This doesn’t go into flash though, does it? When I put it in my project, how will I initialize the correct baud rate?
I tried those commands, and it works until I hit reset, then nothing works. I have to reflash the firmware to be able to connect again, even using a terminal program.
Edit: where do you find these AT commands? I couldn’t find those two either on NURDspace or anywhere else.
I think I found it!
I found the answer here.
I needed to run AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0
Note the lack of flow control at the end. I had tried this at one point but used the suggested settings of 3, and that shut me out of the device.
I am just soldering my ESP back on to the Arduino and I will test it in the finished project.
I have no idea why my project worked in the first place. I had desoldered the headers from the ESP and only ever ran it with stock firmware. Probably something in the ESP library or even Arduino, because I couldn’t even go back to old Blynk libraries to get it working.
Nice one! I didn’t find that yet. I’d love to hear if this works with your firmware version. There are so many version out there it’s some times hard to find the correct command set