ESP8266+Realy Reset problem

Hi, im just getting started with blynk and im trying to get my relay module on to switch on a 10W light bulb, im using the Standalone code and a simple botton in the app to switch GPIO2 High/Low, it works perfectly with a LED but when i switch to the relay with the 10W light i got some reset problems and some times it re-conect atomaticlly but some other it doesn´t.
Im using a HLK-PM03 power supply to the ESP8266 3.3v with a 100µF capacitor along the ground and vcc rails, a 10Kresistor for de CH_PD to vcc.
This is the error i get:

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,1)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

@Rodrigo_Rochin are you using an ESP01?

See boot messages at

If you are not using an ESP01 pick a better pin.

@Costas Yes, I´m using an ESP01
I can see in that link that the cause 4 is due to the Watchdog but how could i fix this?
Also…is there a wifi module close to the cost of ESP-01 that is more robust for working with relays?

Plug and play ESP’s, like the WeMos D1 Mini, are available for around $5, less if you buy the clones. With the ESP01 you need all the extras like a power supply, caps, resistors, adaptors etc. I would only buy ESP01’s if you have a very limited project and require large quantities of them.

Provide a link to your relay module.

Can you provide me a link with that WeMos mini ESP?

Product details:

Genuine store:

Many products labelled as “Arduino …” like your relay are 5V devices that do not work well with 3.3V ESP’s.

So, you think is the 2 realy module the one that is not working fine with the ESP outputs at 3.3v?
Any relay module you recomend?

You pretty much have to go by trial and error… some will work, some not, some part time, but generally most will recognise 2.5+vdc as a HIGH on their trigger pin.

But another potential issue is how are you powering the relay coils? That needs to have a separate PSU of it’s own, with shared ground to the ESP power.

With the HLK-PM03 i power de ESP module and with a 5v adapter ac/dc to 5V y power de relay both with shared grounds. But i dont think the trigger is the problem because when its only the relay it works fine, the problems comes when i connect the 10W to the relay and turn it on (dont know why if the module its sopossed to be issoleted from the charge).

What exact type of 10W load? Some AC powered LED lights may emit RF energy that might interfere with the ESP if it is in close enough proximity.


Its the common light bulb like this one:

Well… try switching something else on the relay then… some 12v DC powered item, etc… otherwise I am out of ideas, aside from trying another relay.

I will try with NODE MCU module, thanks.

I use a transistor to power the relay with 5V. ESP-01 pin 0-10K resistor to transistor and it works fine.

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I will try that, thanks.