ESP8266 L298 DC motor

Hi communtity !

I find old sketch for control DC motor with an L298 and ESP8266. i want to test it and i have this return during compilation :

Arduino : 1.8.16 (Windows 10), Carte : "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, Flash, Disabled (new aborts on oom), Disabled, All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced), Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM, dtr (aka nodemcu), 26 MHz, 40MHz, DOUT (compatible), 1MB (FS:64KB OTA:~470KB), 2, nonos-sdk 2.2.1+100 (190703), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

sketch_sep26a:10:26: error: 'D1' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'y1'?

   10 | const byte L298N_A_pin = D1; // ENA for Ln298 motor drive

      |                          ^~

      |                          y1

sketch_sep26a:11:30: error: 'D2' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'V2'?

   11 | const byte L298N_A_In1_pin = D2; // in1 for Ln298 motor drive

      |                              ^~

      |                              V2

sketch_sep26a:12:30: error: 'D3' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'V3'?

   12 | const byte L298N_A_In2_pin = D3; // in2 for Ln298 motor drive

      |                              ^~

      |                              V3

sketch_sep26a:13:30: error: 'D4' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'V4'?

   13 | const byte L298N_B_In3_pin = D4; // in3 for Ln298 motor drive

      |                              ^~

      |                              V4

sketch_sep26a:14:30: error: 'D5' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'V5'?

   14 | const byte L298N_B_In4_pin = D5; // in4 for Ln298 motor drive

      |                              ^~

      |                              V5

sketch_sep26a:15:26: error: 'D6' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'V6'?

   15 | const byte L298N_B_pin = D6; // ENB for Ln298 motor drive

      |                          ^~

      |                          V6

exit status 1

'D1' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'y1'?

Ce rapport pourrait être plus détaillé avec
l'option "Afficher les résultats détaillés de la compilation"
activée dans Fichier -> Préférences.

For this sketch :

    #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
char auth[] = "xxxxxx"; //YourToken
// Your WiFi credentials.
char ssid[] = "xxxxxx"; //YourNetworkName
char pass[] = "xxxxxx"; //YourPassword
BlynkTimer timer;
const byte L298N_A_pin = D1; // ENA for Ln298 motor drive
const byte L298N_A_In1_pin = D2; // in1 for Ln298 motor drive
const byte L298N_A_In2_pin = D3; // in2 for Ln298 motor drive
const byte L298N_B_In3_pin = D4; // in3 for Ln298 motor drive
const byte L298N_B_In4_pin = D5; // in4 for Ln298 motor drive
const byte L298N_B_pin = D6; // ENB for Ln298 motor drive
byte LeftTurnSignal = 0;
byte RightSignal = 0;
void motorSpeed(int prmA, byte prmA1, byte prmA2, int prmB, byte prmB1, byte prmB2)
 int x = param[0].asInt();
 int y = param[1].asInt();
// x =  -10..-2 -1 0 1 2 ..10   
// Y =  -10..-2 -1 0 1 2 ..10
if ((x==0) && (y==0)) // stop
else if (((x>=-3) && (x<=3)) && (y>0)) // forward 
 if (y==1){ motorSpeed(100,HIGH,LOW,100,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==2){ motorSpeed(200,HIGH,LOW,200,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==3){ motorSpeed(300,HIGH,LOW,300,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==4){ motorSpeed(400,HIGH,LOW,400,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==5){ motorSpeed(500,HIGH,LOW,500,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==6){ motorSpeed(600,HIGH,LOW,600,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==7){ motorSpeed(700,HIGH,LOW,700,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==8){ motorSpeed(800,HIGH,LOW,800,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==9){ motorSpeed(900,HIGH,LOW,900,HIGH,LOW); }
 else if (y==10){ motorSpeed(1000,HIGH,LOW,1000,HIGH,LOW); }
void setup() {
 Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
void loop() {;;

I have to name physical PIN with GPIO number ?

Thanks for help

Hey there.

You are not choosing the right board, you should choose nodemcu instead of generic esp8266 module.

sorry i’m stupid i don’t see it !!! I thought it was same…

Your welcome buddy.