I apologize in advance, because this question isn’t specific to Blynk. However, since so many of us use the ESP8266 for Blynk projects, I thought someone here might have the answer.
Is it necessary or useful to upload the latest firmware onto the ESP8266? In the early days of the ESP, virtually every guide said that the first thing to do with an ESP was to flash the latest firmware onto it. Was that just for running AT commands? Is the Arduino IDE overwriting whatever firmware exists in flash, or is the Arduino code an addition to the ESP’s existing firmware?
As shield on the Arduino, this requires the AT firmware (of which several versions are support by the wonderful people of Blynk)
As standalone MCU
You can only use one option at a time. So you either flash an Arduino sketch to it to function as standalone or flash the AT firmware to use it as a shield (which you shouldn’t do, if you ask me, it’s really not stable).
Yes, I’ve been using the ESP as a standalone device with the Aruduino IDE. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing out on anything (performance, stability, security) when ignoring firmware updates. Thanks guys.