Blynk shows offline, I am using a ESP8266 board and using arduino to code, the device seems offline even after connecting the app and mobile to the same hotspot, I am unable to control my servo motors, but the code seems to execute fine. please help, here is my code:
[Unformatted code removed by moderator]
@asherjoseph Please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:
Copy and paste these if you can’t find the correct symbol on your keyboard.
Dear all Blynk users,
I am new to IoT. So, I face a lot of problem and of course require help and your valuable assistant. Here, I am using an Arduino UNO, with a ESP-01S modul to generate the reading of a Capacitive soil mositure sensor (V1.2), DHT11, and soil temperature from DS18B20. This following message is appeared when trying to connect the ESP-01S to Blynk
"[671] Connecting to NOKIA G20
[3857] AT version: 8 2020 15:53:04)
SDK version:3.0.5-dev(52383f9)
compile time:Aug 28 2020 14:37:33
[14034] Failed to connect WiFi. " and before I also got the
[671] Connecting to NOKIA G20
[3857] AT version: 8 2020 15:53:04)
SDK version:3.0.5-dev(52383f9)
compile time:Aug 28 2020 14:37:33
[14034] Failed to connect WiFi
Hopefully, I got some insight from all of you.
Best regards.
Failing to connect to WiFi could be bad credentials hard-coded into your sketch (remember that BOTH the SSID and password are case-sensitive).
It could also be because your phone is only offering a 5GHz WiFi etwork. The ESP8266 requires a 2.4GHz network.