ESP32 with BTS7960 and DC Motor

hey guys. I’ve recently started working with blynk and have a project. I want to use an esp32 to run a DC motor with a BTS7960 DC motor driver and control it via Blynk. I think I can integrate continuous movement in one direction and a slider into blynk. I just need to get to grips with it.

I would also like to have 1 or 2 modes that I can also control in terms of speed. In these modes, a minimum speed should be set that the motor should not fall below. As soon as a mode is started, the continuous rotation and, if necessary, the other mode should be deactivated.

I imagine the dashboard on the iPhone to look something like the picture.

Is the project too complicated for a rookie? The motor should only rotate in one direction, so no change of direction is necessary. Thank you in advance for your assessment

I guess it depends how good your C++ programming skills are.
Blynk is just a user interface for projects like this, so you’ll need to write code that listens for the commands from the UI and uses them to control the motor.

Specifying your functionality and defining how you wnat your UI to function is always a good starting point. You clearly have options regarding how you want the current mode to be selected. A segmented switch widget or menu widget could be used to select the mode, assuming you have those widgets available with whichever subscription you are using.
Alternatively, you could simply use button widgets and create your own “radio button” functionality if you wish.

It’s worth noting that this forum isn’t a code factory. Community members are often willing to help point people in the right direction, or debug a portion of an existing sketch that isn’t working as expected, but you will need to be responsible for writing and maintaining the code.
