There are lots of different versions of TTGO ESP32 LoRa boards, all with different pinouts and internal connections.
I’d start by finding a pinout diagram for your particular board, and make sure that the diagram makes sense - no mislabelling or duplication of pins.
Then study the pins that are used for the SD card and ensure that there are no pin conflicts with the pins that are used by Edgent. The Edgent pins are defined by a combination of the board type that is chosen in the .ino file, and the corresponding pin definitions in the Settings.h file.
The “Defining your physical switch and LED” section of this topic explains more about how this works…
This is the diagram and the board version is LILYGO T3_V1.6.1. I think it’s important to clarify that in the project I only use virtual pins from Blynk. I don’t need to control any physical pin of LILYGO T3_V1.6.1 board.