ESP32 or 8266 slow down after connected Blynk

Please help me this problem :slight_smile:
My code running offline with ESP8266 or Esp32 is perfect, fast.
After that i make it connected with wifi, it still ok. But when connected with Blynk ( Blynk server and local server is same)
Times in my code slow down, even thought when i press button to on/off, it hard to do.
one second normal become over 2 secon when running
But after disconnect from Blynk by turn off wifi, my code running normal. I send data to blynk with ten parameters
Thanks !!!
ps: I have too project, one code project about 20 pages one over 40 pages, 40 pages is delay longer than 20 pages.

Do you use delays in your code?


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No delay use in my code, only use timer.setinterval , 4 timer, I have clock run in my code. If blynkconnected= true my clock slow inmediately
Can u tell me when does cost time to connect?

What do you mean?


Sorry my English too badโ€‹:relaxed::relaxed:. I mean does esp cost delay time when connecting to blynk server ?

For Blynk to work the device needs to be constantly communicating with the server. This happens every time is executed, which should be hundreds of times per second.
That obviously has an impact on other processing tasks, but not normally to the point)t where it has a noticeable impact on performance.
Howeve4, itโ€™s impossible to say without seeing your code and understanding exactly what performance issues you are seeing.


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Thanks Pete, I will separate to check it onโ€ฆ