ESP32 DEVKITV1 cannot provision the WI-Fi with blynk.Edgent library

I am attempting to connect my project online using the Blynk.Edgent library with the ESP32 DEVKIT V1. However, I am unable to establish a connection. The MCU is capable of setting up the Wi-Fi Access Point, but when I try to connect it online through the app, it cannot detect my microcontroller. What could be the problem? Please help. I have physically connected a reset button to pin 9, which is labeled as ‘EN’ and grounded it. Additionally, I have connected an indicating LED to GPIO 21, which I manually configured in the ‘settings.h’ of the library because my MCU is not included among the preconfigured MCUs. My LED is flashing as an indication of waiting for a connection, but the app is not detecting it. My template name is ‘Surge33S Smart Plug,’ and I assume the name is not too long for the permitted characters. Please assist me. Thank you!

The EN pin is the reset button for the board. That’s not going to work as the Blynk reset button to clear the credentials, you need to choose a different pin for that.

What does your serial monitor show? (post the text, not a screenshot, and use triple backticks when you post the text to the forum).


Thank you very much Pete, i got it now, its working :grinning:

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