Esp32 + blynk + ap mode

Hi, I’m new to Blynk App here using ESP32. Recently I was trying to use ESP32 Board with Blynk in AP mode (access point mode). I have tried to modify existing tutorial for ESP32 in Station Mode and ESP8266 in AP Mode unfortunately does not success and i could’t find a tutorial with ESP32 + AP MODE + BLYNK. Can anyone guide me ? Thank you Senpai Sensei.

What exactly are you trying to achieve?


I think I know what you mean. I have Blynk Running on a RPi as a local server and ESP8266 in Station Mode. I thought about and did try putting the RPi in AP mode but although I could ping it I could not access the Blynk server running on it. So I then put the ESP8266 in AP mode and RPi in station Mode and put SSID/Password for the ESP network in the wpa_supplicant.conf but the pi would not connect to the ESP8266 network. I expect that there might be a way to configure the Rpi to work in either or both scenarios but this is way beyond my capabilities and searching Google did not turn up anything

I’m still struggling to understand why you guys are trying to do this and what you are trying to achieve.
Can you explain?


I have projects where I do not have access to a wifi network so I create my own using a RPi I was hoping to use the same RPi to host a local Blynk server.

You mean like this…
