ESP32 BLE connection issues

I’m trying to get BLE to work for esp32.
I have Arduino 1.8.8
Have followed this guide to update esp32 core:

I’m getting this in the serial monitor:

[550322] BLE connect
[552251] Ready
[562218] BLE disconnect
[562218] Disconnected

I get can’t connect error in the BLE widget

Phone is Samsung s8+
Do I not use the pairing on the phone as when I do it removes the blynk device from the BLE widget in blynk?


I havent understand your problem, Paul.
Do you have a problem with a blynk-widget or with a bluetooth-connection?

With the widget connection to the BLE on a esp32

I also have problems with the BLE connection since I updated the app.
With version 2.26.7 it works fine.