ESP_DoubleResetDetector library used to reconfigure WiFi / Blynk Credentials on-the-fly

The ESP_DoubleResetDetector library v1.0.1 has been updated and included into Arduino Library Manager and

This library will help detect a double reset within a configurable time, so that an alternative start-up mode / function can be used. For example:

  1. To allow re-configuration of a device’s WiFi / Blynk credentials.
  2. To do some out-of-schedule work, such as clearing data, loading defaults, etc.

The 4-byte flag data is stored in

  1. RTC Memory, EEPROM or SPIFFS for ESP8266
  2. EEPROM and SPIFFS for ESP32.

See example how to use this library in

[ConfigOnDoubleReset example] (

This example demonstrates the open of ConfigPortal whenever the reset button is pressed twice within 10 secs, so that you can change WiFi credentials, any stored data or do some out-of-schedule work.


Update May 12th 2020

Releases v1.0.3

  1. Update to use the new LittleFS for ESP8266 core 2.7.1+
  2. Update examples