Hello –
I have an ESP-07 wired up for toggling three LEDs via Blynk for Android. The ESP8266_Standalone.ino sketch was uploaded to it in Arduino 1.6.5 (Win7). It all works. First run was power over USB with one LED, All good. I wired in two more LEDs, and a circuit for standalone power - an LM1117T-3.3 LDO (800mA in TO-220 pkg), with 10uF electrolytic on Vout. The LEDs consume 4.8-5.3mA (vary by color) each when lit.
The catch is that I accidentally threw a 9V PP3 across Vcc when wiring up the voltage regulator. Neglected to recall the odd pinout of the LMs versus the 78xx types. However, the circuit still runs.
Need help with understanding why circuit draws 270mA when AP is 15ft away. From literature I gleaned that max draw is about 170mA. Did I fry the ESP-07 with the 9V? Also, how much heat should I expect from the top of the module? It is quite warm, but not too hot to touch for long periods.
Thank you in advance for your folks guidance. This is my first Blynk project.
If it’s anything like the ESP-01, you can fry it with as little as 5V. It is rated for 3.3V. Also, I would say get a voltage regulator. I did so and it hasn’t overheated since.
Thank you for the response.
The finned thing in the photo is an LDO Voltage Regulator to provide 3.3V/800mA stable, as mentioned in my original post And the ESP module still functions.
What current is consumed by your ESP-01? Just curious.
When USB powered, the voltage divider on the Serial-TTL converter drops Vcc to 3.3V, and there’s a divider on the breadboard’s RX0 line if needed. Still gets signals across, still works.
Mine is drawing about 80mA
My ESP-01 draw about 200-250ma when booting and connecting to WiFi then below 100ma