Error connection via public IP

I have a problem with function:
I have local server on Raspberry Pi. Works good.
With example below, works.
Blynk.begin (auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(*local IP*), 8080);

but with public IP not works.
Blynk.begin (auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(*public IP*), 8080);
It’s not problem with port forwarding because in webbrowser I can see admin panel. Even I can log in via app on smartphone. Addres server in app can be private IP, public IP, even with no-ip domain (via http port and https port).
But command Blynk.begin in arduino code works only on local IP. Why?

The admin panel is on port 9443, so it could easily be a port forwarding issue if you haven’t forwarded port 8080 to your local server in your router.


I have forwarded port 9443, 8080, 80, 8442. Nothing happend. Eve I tried with dmz - still the same problem.

Can you post a screenshot of your router’s port forwarding screen?


Maybe you can try this code

 Blynk.config(auth,"public IP",8080);

hi, after long time, I’m pretty sure, is not https connection. With raw example (Blynk.begin(auth, “”, 80):wink: works fine.

I will let you know when I will solve the problem finally.