display widgets such as LED, Gauge are updated in an erratic way on mobile devices. Sometimes it takes seconds, minutes to be updated to the latests value, sometimes they are not updated at all unless one forces a manuel resync on the mobile device. Similar datastream widgets on the web console are correctly and immediately updated when changes occur.
I noticed this behaviour for the first time yesterday, Friday, in the morning.
my devices are all ESP8266 and the problem is not device related.
There was no code change on any device in the last month.
this behaviour is shown both on Android and IOS devices.
I rebooted my local network, my DSL line and all my mobile devices without any change.
running Android 10 on a Samsung A6, Blynk app version 1.20.1 (195)
running iPadOS 15.8.3 on an iPad2, Blynk app version 3.7.8 (0)
my Blynk server: lon1.blynk.cloud
Anybody having the same issues? Was there an update in the mobile sync behaviour lately?
Yes, I have the same problem. Status freezes and doesn’t change. Sometimes the screen has to be refreshed. It’s worth noting. The mobile dashboard freezes, but the PC dashboard is still usable.
This problem occurred yesterday.
No code changes
1.My device is esp 8266 + nodered the value in nodered shows normally realtime 1 sec
2. Every mobile phone has a frozen and very slow status.
3.server sgp1.blynk.cloud
In the mean time, it has become clear to me that changes ar the server side impacting the user experience have occurred. It would be nice if such changes would be communicated to the customers. Seeing no response at all from Blynk to questions in this forum is frustrating.
I also encountered the same problem with the Blynk IoT app on both Android and iOS. Both platforms are experiencing the same issue. Even after adjusting the app to send less data to blynk.cloud, the problem persists.
I am still hoping somebody at Blynk will take the time to have a look at this issue and at least comes back to us with an explanation suggesting what can be done to mediate the problem.
Hello. It should be fixed with the next deployment. The reason - we set a limit to the number of real-time commands that UI can receive as for some dashboards it causes troubles. We’ll increase this limit with the next update.
Can you elaborate a bit on the scope of the limit:
does the limit apply to the communication between the Blynk server and the mobile device or is it per tile.
Are non-active tiles (those that are currently not being displayed on the UI interface) also updated in realtime or only when they are openend?
Too low a limit will make the display on the mobile UI to become unreliable due to random update drops, forcing the user to continuously request a manual sync which is not user-friendly.
P.S. I am not at all familiar with the protocols used to update mobile devices.
I am on the London server and the situation has been back to normal since 7 to 8 hours, I hope it stays stable.
It remains frustrating that Blynk is so reluctant to share system limitations or to announce major “end user impacting” updates.
I also believe it would be better if everybody who is impacted by a given issue would react in this forum to convince Blynk the issue is not a one person problem.
It’s good to see the community actively discussing this issue. It seems like many users are affected, so it would be beneficial for Blynk to provide more transparent updates. Clear communication from Blynk regarding any changes or limitations could help manage expectations and reduce frustration.