Energy question

hii. can you help me reset energy in blynk , thanks

Hi @pvtien7, you tagged this question/request on to the end of a topic rather than creating your own new topic. I’ve fixed that for you.

Can you please provide more details about what you mean please?


The PZEM-04T stores the amount of energy. He wants to know how to set to zero this value, in order, per example, to reset it every month.

The easy option (but you probably know that) is using the Windows software provided by Peacefair (manufacturer).

To integrate it into the sketch, you’ll have to send the appropriate command via Modbus, I have been modifying the code in the other thread and have been able to modify it to read 2 different PZEMs connected to the same serial bus, but still have to study how to send the energy reset command (I set different Modbus address for them with Peacefair’s Windows software)

I found jaggil posted a function to reset energy here

Why is this older topic still being revived… twice now… BTW, the OP was only ever in this forum once, for the initial post, and never returned :stuck_out_tongue:

Closing this topic.