
I am trying to store data in the EEPROM, I know Blynk is using a store structure to save configuration in the EEPROM, I am not sure what else is saved there.

Where can I see the EEPROM map to make sure I am not stepping on any stored data.


Is it?? how do you “know” this?

The ESP saves wifi config, but that is not a Blynk thing… you would have to look over at espressif for that info.


If you look to Blynk ConfigStore.h file you will see some functions that saves/load the WiFi Auth and other variable in ConfigStore structure, I am trying to make sure that’s all that is saved in the EEPROM, I don’t want to step on other data there.

But the header for that file says:

* This is a DEMO. You can use it only for development and testing.
 * If you would like to add these features to your product,
 * please contact Blynk for Business:

I think that if you want to do some testing before buying then you should head over to and ask the question there.


Hi Pete,

You got it right. I am testing to see if Blynk can be a viable solution for a product in the market. I am not entirely sure what is the difference from regarding forum questions.

This is a community support forum - users supporting users - with the odd bit of input now and again from the Blynk developers and staff. is the corporate website and if you submit your enquiry there it should be routed to the correct members of staff to answer your question.


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Thanks Pete, appreciate your comments.

@szohar, Please update this topic with whatever you find out. I’m sure many of us are in the exact same boat (trying to determine the viability of Blynk as a commercial product). Inquiring minds want to know. Thank you for getting this answered on behalf of the broader Blynk Community.


Personally, I think that anyone who is considering using Blynk on a commercial basis would be better-off opening a dialogue with the Blynk staff at the earliest possible date.
I’m fairly sure that there will be lots of development happening in the background that non of us are aware of, and work that’s being done for existing and upcoming clients that will never be made public.

If you share your ideas and requirements with the Blink guys then you might find that other options become available to you. Without that dialogue you could be missing out on potential features and creating much more work for yourself because you’re trying to invent the wheel when one already exists.


Well said, @PeteKnight

The “development” side including this forum, is great for home users and those learning a bit of DIY. There is too many similarities to other product forums I have been part of, so I suspect it is more like a large Beta testing ground for Blynk’s commercial side.

Nothing wrong with that, but if one is pursuant of anything remotely commercial, then @wickedbeernut I recommend skipping the interim process of banging “free” code together on your own and hoping something sticks, and let the Blynk pros give you a head start.

@szohar I think we have answered your queries regarding the use, or rather lack thereof, of EEPROM by the Blynk library, so I am marking this topic solved.

Hi All,
Please see below the answer from Blynk, probably others will need this information.

Please follow this link.

@szohar, What am I linking to? ConfigStore.h? I’m not seeing the answer from Blynk.

Yes, they sent me this link, you can see there the EEPROM address definitions.

@szohar Context is everything :stuck_out_tongue:

That is an example for use with a DEMO of a commercial application…

Blynk projects can also run things like FastLED… doesn’t mean it is baked into the library.

OK. I knew you were already familiar with ConfigStore.h. You’d alluded to it in an earlier post. I thought your question was whether Blynk is leveraging EEPROM for anything other than ConfigStore. Did Blynk imply it’s only ConfigStore in EEPROM?

I see no reason why you couldn’t relocate ConfigStore.

ConfigStore is handy if you need to access a dynamically provisioned auth token in conjunction with, say a web client. I’ve tested Avin’s web client this way … which, by the way, continues to improve (Image Gallery Widget support, Text Input Widget support, …).


I think you can use SPIFFS for save your data you create, it like SD card