Edgent Provisioning Data

Hello Everyone,

I’m working on a project involving ESP32-CAMS uploading pictures to an FTP server, and the Image Gallery Widget showing those images in the app.

Once I have this properly working, I’m hoping to sell these devices to people and have them use them in their own use cases (its a chicken coop automation system).

When I provision a device using Blynk Edgent, it will give it a name that is something like BlynkDeviceName-XXXX where the x’s are a random set of numbers/letters.

Where is Blynk getting those characters, are they stored somewhere and can I use them?

I’m trying to figure out a way where I don’t need to alter the sketch for different image locations for each device but rather have the device create its own set of image locations in the FTP server based on a set of identifiable characteristics specific to that particular device (like its device name for example)

I’m open to other suggestions as well.


I think it’s a variable called chipId which is generated in ConfigMode.h using the ESP.getEfuseMac() command. This means that it’s specific to the board.


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Thanks Pete, I’ll play around with that and see if I can work it in to my sketch.

Much appreciated!

I’ll update with results within a couple days.

Please note this is not globally unique. If you need unique ids, there are other (mostly hardware-based) ways to obtain it.

I’m going to do some playing with it this weekend, but when the user provisions the device, is chipID updated to the device name chosed by the user? If so, I should be fine with non-globally unique names.