E Suite Blynk Library for Lua ESP8266

I have posted to here
an enhanced version of Blezek’s Lua Blynk library for NodeMCU ESP8266. It is included in the E Suite collection there, but can easily be lifted out and used alone.

Enhancements on the Blezek version include:

  • More stable over blynk and wifi mishaps, recovering automatically
  • A lot less susceptible to any ESP8266 memory issues
  • Inbuilt default GPIO write and read handling of digital write/read from your smartphone
  • Simplified function call for commonest message write functions outgoing (“vw”, “dw”)
  • Simpler initialising syntax
  • Documentation and examples for most ways to call blynk functions
  • Easy way to turn on diagnostics for data packet trace
  • No use of static timers to be conflicting with timer use elsewhere
  • Automatic freeing (from memory) of substantial internal functions if not in use
  • Clearer messaging for any blynk breaks & reconnects or network mishaps & reconnects
  • Some changes to comms and protocol logic for better reliability

The Blezek library, particularly enhanced as here, performs wonderfully for Blynk applications. I have taught it in IoT classes, and I always have delighted students.

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