Drive ESC with nodemcu

I have Nocemcu V0.9. I want to control Electronic speed controller (ESC) for AC 3 Phase motor. This ESC is being drived by PWM, but Nodemcu with Blynk Joystic have PWM pulse time about 500us. I need 1500us, how can I change this frequency ? Please help.

Try a breakout module like these:

Thank you for your tip. But my regulator is for 120A and it’s compatible with motor. I just need change period( frequency) pwm. Reverse rotation 1000us, forward rotation 2000us, zero rotation 1500us

The MCU PWM frequency is usually fixed and based on it’s internal clock capabilities. If you want three+ times the frequency, then you may need a specialized (industrial) MCU??

Lets start with some technical info about your ESC, make model, link to manufacturer etc.

Further Googling (remember Google is YOUR friend :wink: ) shows that there may be ways of generating higher frequencies… but they are all outside the scope of Blynk; It looks like it will involve internal timers and custom pin manipulation.

I recommend you search the wider forum of the internet, get a solution the works using basic Arduino code, and only then look to see if it can be merged and mapped with Blynk.

ESC type:
It is 3 phases regulator. It rotation speed I control width pulse of PWM. The width pulse opened unipolar transistors.


OK, that is just s basic hobby ESC meant to be controlled by a standard servo pulse (NOT to be confused with PWM -…

Modern RC Servo position is not defined by the PWM duty cycle (i.e., ON vs OFF time) but only by the width of the pulse. (This is very different from the PWM used in some other systems. In particular, the confusingly similar-sounding direct PWM DC motor speed control works entirely differently).

You would use the usual Arduino servo.h library,, to control it and map the joystick widget to the servo control.