I just wanted to personally thank you so much for such a great app! You’ve saved me a ton of time and headache attempting to develop my own app for my Particle Photon! You really should have something setup to at least receive donations for your hard work that you’ve done on your FREE app. I couldn’t believe that such an awesome app was FREE!
FYI I’ve never made a donation to anyother free app (because i’m such a cheap ass) before and I would like you guys to be the first as you deserve it!
Thank you so much for such kind words. It really means a lot for us!
BTW, after I started Blynk I also look at buying indie siftware differently
We hope that Blynkers will appreciate our work and support the product by signing for our services. We are trying really hard to make it the best one. So far we are pretty happy but have so many plans ahead!