Does Auth Token or Account Login have expiry

Is the Blynk auth token have an expiry date?

Sir i wanted to know, Is there any expiry date for blynk auth token?

6 months without usage it is deleted.

Ah is it! thanks for quick reply :blush:

Is the blynk auth token have an expiry date?


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Thanks for the quick reply sir😊

@Shahmy I just moved three separately posted questions of yours, on the same issue, into this single topic. Please don’t spread out multiple (identical) questions as this is all the same forum and a single question will be read eventually.

So to be clear of your question… the actual Auth Tokens do not really have an expiry… however, in the past, the developers have had to delete unused Accounts from their servers to reduce maintenance issues…

So, IF an Account is deleted, any projects stored in it will need to be replaced (from a new account) and new Auth Tokens generated and inserted into any hardware sketches, in order for that sketch to connect again.

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Really im so clear now and feeling very thankful for you guys. Thanks again. :+1::ok_hand: