Does anyone use IBM Bluemix+Node-RED+Blynk?

Hi! Does anyone use IBM Bluemix+Node-RED+Blynk? I am using it for three days, and it’s comfort, simple… and terribly unstable. It recieves data from virtual pin by HTTP GET request. Works well for an hour and then gets “JSON parse error” for few hours, and then starts to work again. Looks like it’s IBM Cloud’s problem. Does anyone have same issues?

i am using node-red hosted in bluemix and Blynk cloud and everything is fine
but node-red is need to be 512MB memory to be stable and still in the free tire :grinning:

How did you get 512 MB for free?

UPD: got it! Now I have 512 MB too :sunglasses: Will see, how it works for a few days.

UPD_2: it is dead again.

you still can host the server locally in your home (PC, Raspberry , etc) and open
port for it in your router in case you need to access it outside the network