My projects is Dimming High Power LEDs(USE PMW FROM D2 Pin Node MCU) by Blynk and Node MCU.I want to shared it for everyone.
**the schematics follow below**
conponent needs
1.Node MCU v1(ESP8266-12E)
2.3 High Power LEDS with Heat Sink
3.CAT4101TV(MAX current 1A)
4.resister 1kOhm
5.Bridge retifier KBP210
6.Eletrlyte Capacitoer 330 uF 50V
7.Step down tranformer 220 V to 9 V and 12 V(Becareful!!! Before connect Tranformer you can use The power supply because estimate INPUT voltage and current LEDs and save for the circuit.)
**And Blynk UI looks**
For Node MCU code use Ardino IDE for program code .You can set up and dowload library by Arduino IDE
Step 1
Step 2 in the Additional Board Manager URLs
Step 3
Step 4
Step 4 upload code to Node MCU V.1(ESP-12E)
****** Your smart phone must be connect wifi rouner that you use in the code.