Dimming High Power LED + Node MCU V.1(WiFi)+Blynk

  My projects is Dimming High Power LEDs(USE PMW FROM D2 Pin Node MCU) by Blynk and Node MCU.I want to shared it for everyone.

  **the schematics follow below**

conponent needs
1.Node MCU v1(ESP8266-12E)
2.3 High Power LEDS with Heat Sink
3.CAT4101TV(MAX current 1A)
4.resister 1kOhm
5.Bridge retifier KBP210
6.Eletrlyte Capacitoer 330 uF 50V
7.Step down tranformer 220 V to 9 V and 12 V(Becareful!!! Before connect Tranformer you can use The power supply because estimate INPUT voltage and current LEDs and save for the circuit.)

 **And Blynk UI looks**

For Node MCU code use Ardino IDE for program code .You can set up and dowload library by Arduino IDE

Step 1

Step 2   http://arduino.esp8266.com/package_esp8266com_index.json  in the Additional Board Manager URLs

 Step 3 

Step 4

  Step 4  upload code to Node MCU V.1(ESP-12E)

****** Your smart phone must be connect wifi rouner that you use in the code.


Very nice how to @ap10127700 ! Out of curiosity, are you Greek? (the question arise because of the α letter at your schematic…).

No Greek I’m Thai hahaha .

Very nice though! Your country is very exotic. I have been there (Thailand) for Bussiness trip about 10 years ago…

@ap10127700 just bumped into this project. Nice work but did not see the code. Can you share one.

Why bump it at all?? It is 3 years old… and the OP hasn’t been seen in this forum for years.

As already shown, the code is the basic Blynk sketch (from that time frame). The button and slider was directly controlling GPIOs.

Please look at current libraries, examples and posts for “code” handouts :wink: