hello blynk…
i’m working with Arduino UNO and Ethernet Shield W5100… i have problem while connecting to blynk server… i’m using laptop that already connected to internet through usb modem and then connect the ethernet shield to the laptop with LAN cable…
i’m using ethernet blynk example and i got “DHCP failed” on serial monitor…
i already test telnet connection to blynk-cloud.com 8442 and it’s work…
but still can’t connected to blynk…
Haven’t we gone down this path before?
And you said it is working.
So to clarify… you are connecting your UNO, with an Ethernet shield… to a laptop… using Internet sharing… and the laptop is connected via USB hub to a (most likely) cellular WISP? And it, surprisingly, is not working stable
Since your UNO needs to be tethered to the laptop anyhow, just remove the Ethernet shield and use the USB link instead.
in the previous case… my laptop connected to wifi. now it’s connected to usb modem…
Well you have just confirmed that it is not a Blynk related issue then Just skip the Ethernet shield and go to >> Click here >> USB link << Click there << for your use case.
ok i’ll try first