Device went missing on the IoT Blynk App after adding it and had working


I just added a new device (ESP32 dev board) to my mobile Blynk IoT app, on my Pixel 6. Was working fine for a few minutes. I could see when I flick a physical switch that a relay turned on, this caused an LED symbol to light up on the Blynk App, as expected. The device was communicating with the cloud. All good. This is the third device in my account (I can have up to 40 with my subscription). Suddenly when I open the Blynk IoT app the third device icon was completely gone. Just dissapeared. Below is a screenshot of the app main page. It shows the first two devices (GreenhouseNet and GarageDoor), but the third one, which was located on the second row, left, is gone.

However, when I navigate to edit by clicking the tool on the right, then I can clearly see the device (called DeckLED) and the widgets I had already placed. Below is a screenshot of this

I’ve tried restarting the app, as well as my phone. No luck. My device seems to still be Online and it does work (there is a physical switch that controls a relay. When I turn the switch the relay functions… so the ESP32 dev board seems to be working well). Other than deleting the device completely and readding it, is there something I can do to bring back the device on the main page?

Seems the only way to restore a working device is by deleting the entire template and redoing it… any other tips others have come across that would be easier?

Hello @MathPi. What app version you use?

1.10.5 (130)

Seems the only way to restore a working device is by deleting the entire template and redoing it… any other tips others have come across that would be easier?

For sure, this would not restore any device. The whole point of having templates is to have the same UI and logic for several devices. So you can just add a new device with that template, and that’s all. There is no sense to redo something in a template in this case.

How many devices do you see in Blynk.Console on the web? If there are also only 2 devices, then you probably deleted 3rd device somehow. How many devices the Billing screen show that you have?

It showed I had three devices on the web, as well as the billing screen. I tried to restore device without success. The device was just missing from the main page on the app. I figured something went corrupt, so I deleted it and readded it. Now it seems this issue has not appeared.

@MathPi on what plan are you? do you have suborgs?

Did you upload firmware to that device recently, or does it have a correct template id? What does web console show in device info of it - is it of a same template ‘DeckLED’?

I’m on the Pro plan. No suborgs. Template ID was copied directly into the script and uploaded. Same template name. The device was showing and working properly for about a few minutes when suddenly it had disappeared from the main page of the app, as shown in my first image.