Device Selector: Reading current device name possible?

Now, Device Selector cannot be made available on every Tab. So, to know the currently chosen device on every Tab, I can use a Labeled Widget on every Tab and populate it with the currently chosen device name. But how to retrieve the device name? Is there a code that can send current chosen device’s name to hardware or within Blynk?

I want to be able to retrieve Devices List or at least Current Active Device’s name…

  1. I’ve added Device Selector, to My Project
  2. I’ve named the Devices, based on Room names
  3. Now, since the Device Selector is added to only one of the available Tabs, the users will want to know which room they’re currently in, irrespective of whichever Tab they’re currently in…

In this use case:

  • Device Selector is in Tab 1
  • Now user switches to Tab2/Tab3/Tab4 and want to know which room they’re currently in!
  • Is there a way to make this happen?

Refer to my use case Project Screens:

It doesn’t have to be @Gunner or @Dmitriy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But can anyone else confirm this?

Is it possible to retrieve current chosen device name to hardware, from Device Selector?

Please keep your related questions to a single topic… thank you. I have moved your last question back into this topic.

Most things in life are possible with enough effort.

Below is a json extract of one of my projects with 2 devices:


So obtain the project json in your sketch, parse the data, check the array number starting from 0 and you know what device is active.