Device becomes unresponsive to inputs, blynk_write, web reboot

DC-DC converter with ESP32-wroom, blynk running on second core.

After a period of time, anywhere from a couple of hours to a week or so, my device appears to no longer receive inputs, or at least not execute their functions.
i.e. sending a reboot command, or updating a variable via blynk_write.
It does stay online and continues to update values of pins (virtualWrite) back to the cloud.

My device and code is essentially this GitHub - AngeloCasi/FUGU-ARDUINO-MPPT-FIRMWARE: An open source Arduino ESP32 MPPT Charger firmware equipped with charging algorithms, WiFi, LCD menus & more! but with the addition of blynk_write to change the output current via web/app.

  currentCharging = param.asFloat(); // assigning incoming value from pin V16 to a variable
  Serial.print("Current Limit Amps: ");

  // process received value

Unfortunately I’ve never been able to catch it transitioning into this state while connected via serial, and plugging in USB resets the ESP meaning I can’t read its state after the fact.

Any advise on this would be greatly appreciated

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I still haven’t been able to fix this.

I’ve tried reducing the quantity of virtualWrite used, and added additional ""s between blocks of vWrites in an attempt to catch and execute the input.

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