Device becomes unresponsive to inputs, blynk_write, web reboot

DC-DC converter with ESP32-wroom, blynk running on second core.

After a period of time, anywhere from a couple of hours to a week or so, my device appears to no longer receive inputs, or at least not execute their functions.
i.e. sending a reboot command, or updating a variable via blynk_write.
It does stay online and continues to update values of pins (virtualWrite) back to the cloud.

My device and code is essentially this GitHub - AngeloCasi/FUGU-ARDUINO-MPPT-FIRMWARE: An open source Arduino ESP32 MPPT Charger firmware equipped with charging algorithms, WiFi, LCD menus & more! but with the addition of blynk_write to change the output current via web/app.

  currentCharging = param.asFloat(); // assigning incoming value from pin V16 to a variable
  Serial.print("Current Limit Amps: ");

  // process received value

Unfortunately I’ve never been able to catch it transitioning into this state while connected via serial, and plugging in USB resets the ESP meaning I can’t read its state after the fact.

Any advise on this would be greatly appreciated

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