Delay from pushing putton

Today I’ve discovered a new strange behaviour… from the moment when I push the button on my blynk project and the moment when I receive the BLYNK_WRITE data on my sketch it pass a long time (about 5 seconds).
Before today I had never seen this problem … in this current sketch and in others.
The curious thing is that the relative response that send to blynk o light a LED on blynk project is very fast.
Also the send and receive data from terminal Widget is very fast.

So the only thing that is slow is receive the button state change… this remain slow.

Any ideas? How I’m wrong?

Interesting. Does remove/add widget helps? Close/reopen app?

Close/ReOpen app: no change
Restart local server: no change
Restart local LAN/Wi-Fi: no change
Add/Remove widget: no change:

The only thing that add a little bit of speed is to lower the update rate (raise the seconds in the widget property screen) of the others widgets.

In my project there’s some tricked code… I’ve yet the problem with the “debug”, when disabled I’m no able to light the LED widgets even if the command is sent! To make all works fine I must enable the “debug”! :flushed:

So this is on local server? Which version? Latest Blynk firmware? Please show your code. Maybe you do too many calls from application?

I'm running my local serve version 0.16.0, blynk firmware 0.3.7.
Blynk adminsitration panel say 2 as "1 min request rate"... so I think it's no too many calls.

Cannot post my code because it's too long, but this is the link... [my code](