Dc motors wont turn with Blynk.bign in void setup

I am using Arduino uno wifi to control 2 dc motors. i am using 2 Vex 6wire encoders for motor speed and direction. i was trying to use the Blynk app to monitor those encoders for motor speed. i am using a motor driver. if i include Blynk.begin under void setup with the pinModes the motors dont spin but if i remove the Blynk. begin the motors move. here is my code.

#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "******"
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "********"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "***********"
#define BLYNK_FIRMWARE_VERSION        "0.1.0"
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define APP_DEBUG
#include <BlynkSimpleWiFiNINA.h>
#include <Encoder.h>

// Motor pins
int motor1EnablePin = 3;   // Enable motor 1
int motor1DirectionPin1 = 8; // INT1
int motor1DirectionPin2 = 7; // INT2
int motor2EnablePin = 5;   // Enable motor 2
int motor2DirectionPin1 = 2; // INT3
int motor2DirectionPin2 = 4; // INT4

// Encoder pins
Encoder encoder1(11, 12); // Encoder 1 connected to pins 11 and 12; left encoder
Encoder encoder2(10, 13); // Encoder 2 connected to pins 10 and 13; right encoder

// Constants for wheel size and encoder resolution
const float wheelDiameterInches = 4.0; // Diameter of the wheel in inches
const float encoderResolution = 90.0;   // Pulses per revolution of the encoder

char auth[] = "*********"; // Replace with your Blynk authentication token
char ssid[] = "*****";
char pass[] = "*******";

void setup() 
  pinMode(motor1EnablePin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1DirectionPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor1DirectionPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2EnablePin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2DirectionPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor2DirectionPin2, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Set the direction and speed of both motors
  digitalWrite(motor1DirectionPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motor1DirectionPin2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motor2DirectionPin1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motor2DirectionPin2, LOW);
  // Set the motor speed (PWM value between 0 and 255)
  analogWrite(motor1EnablePin, 128); // Adjust this value for desired speed
  analogWrite(motor2EnablePin, 128); // Adjust this value for desired speed

  // Read encoder counts
  long count1 = encoder1.read();
  long count2 = encoder2.read();

  // Calculate wheel speed in MPH
  float wheelCircumferenceInches = PI * wheelDiameterInches;
  float wheelSpeedMPH1 = (count1 / encoderResolution) * wheelCircumferenceInches / 63360.0 * 3600.0;
  float wheelSpeedMPH2 = (count2 / encoderResolution) * wheelCircumferenceInches / 63360.0 * 3600.0;

  // Send wheel speed to Blynk
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, wheelSpeedMPH1); // Virtual pin V1 for left wheel speed in MPH
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, wheelSpeedMPH2); // Virtual pin V2 for right wheel speed in MPH


please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly. Triple backticks look like this: ```

i added the backticks any help is appreciated.

You should read this

What does your serial monitor show? (Copy the text from the serial monitor and paste it into your reply, and add triple backticks in the same way you did when posting your code).

It would also be very helpful if you posted the exact format of the Blynk.begin() command that you attempted to use in your code.
