Data retention and user.profile.max.size

Hello all,

I run a local Blynk Server on my private network that is working very well, many thanks to the developers for such a great Open Source software!

I have been playing with the new Super Chart and noticed that my temp sensor data only goes back about 1 month, this was confirmed by exporting to CSV - I have been running this sensor and logging data for > 5 months.

My question is, how long does Blynk log sensor data for and what settings control this? The closest setting I can find is user.profile.max.size, but unsure what this covers?

FYI - I was logging sensor data every 10 seconds, so the dataset would have been large.

Many thanks,

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We have no restriction here. All your data is there.

and noticed that my temp sensor data only goes back about 1 month, this was confirmed by exporting to CS

That’s true. This is the maximum number of points hardcoded in code for CSV export. Let me move this into separate property, so you can tune that.

However, superchart should show everything. What scale do you have in super chart (1h, 6h, 1m, etc)?

Fixed for CSV export -

Hi Dmitriy, thanks for the quick reply.

CSV Export - from a user perspective, when exporting I would expect all data is exported without limits. This may be unrealistic, but if there is a limit it would be good to inform the user - not sure how best to achieve that.

Super chart - I have it set to 3m, I still have the old chart setup on the same data point and noticed that the old charts display the older data - see image data point “Outside”, fyi I am running most recent build: 0.28.3.jar

Can you clarify what user.profile.max.size covers?

Many thanks

@timmy this is a bug in the superchart that is fixed already. Please take latest app version.

That’s not related to history data.

Thanks Dmitriy,

I have reworked my sensors so do not have any data > 3 months old as of now - will test once I do and report back if needed.
