Customer Invite Pro Plan

Just curious how Blynk came up with a 7 hour expiration window for the invite email? Why not 24? When the discovery plan becomes available it obviously takes care of this issue but doubles the cost of the pro plan and adds an activation fee. I am ok with sending emails to save that cost but 7 hours seems a bit short.

If that link expires, I guess I can send a new one but that is not very convenient either.


Nice catch. This is actually a bug. This property was “days”, but then we changed it to hours, so 7 days became 7 hours. We’ll change it to 24 hours with the next deployment.

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@Dmitriy Thanks for the reply. 7 days would be even better! :smiley:

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@Dmitriy yes 7 days is better

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Update on this topic.

At the present time, it is not practical to have a 24 hour expiration on the invite email. The customer buys the product and it is shipped. Let’s assume it takes 3-5 days to arrive. How do I as the seller know when the customer will want to install the product? So now, somewhere between the shipping variable and the installation variable I am supposed guess at when this 24 hour email should be sent? If I guess wrong, my customer is upset because they have to contact me for help.

As an end user, you want the flexibility to install the product on your schedule. Not on the schedule of an email.

I realize that Discovery will take care of this in the future. But for now this is not a reasonable solution and not good for my business.

I respectfully ask that you reconsider this 24 hour limit. What is the reason for it anyway?

Thank you

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@mpo881 it will be fixed very soon. Also, a bit later we’ll add an ability to change that interval during the invite.

Thanks for the reply. I understand your reply, but please understand that this is a big deal. Adding the ability to modify the expiration is a big improvement. I am willing to subscribe to Discovery but this is also on the wait list. I realize your list is long. I have one too :grimacing:

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@Dmitriy and Blynk team, Thank you!

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Was this ability every added?
Thank you