Cross platform compatibility of apps created on iOS and Android

Good day Blynk community

I did a quick google search and another search on your forum for this and did not find a post with this question. If there is i am sorry to ask again, but i would like to know if its possible to use an app created on Blynk iOS and access the same app via Blynk on android. To be clearer, if i created a project on the Blynk app on my Iphone and then download Blynk on my Android phone, will the app i created on my iphone be usable on my android phone? Thanks.

The simple answer is Yes, it will.

The more complex answer is that there are some things that have been implemented on the Android platform that aren’t (currently) available on iOS.
Doing it the way you have - developing on iOS and using on Android should be fine. You may find that the appearance varies slightly, due to the way that fonts are rendered differently on the two phones, but that’s really only cosmetic.

If you’ve used the Tabs widget then iOS currently allows you to place that widget anywhere on the screen, but with Android I believe it can only be at the top. It’s easy to move the tabs on iOS - just make enough space at the top of each tabbed page to allow it to be moved the drag it to the top of the screen.


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