Created User Account can not see the ESP32 device

I am using Free Plan.
Added 2 devices.
Created 2 User Accounts out of allowed 5.
But when logged into the User Accounts, they can not see the device.
Please suggest what is wrong

With the free account the user has to be the owner of the device to be able to see/control it.
As you can only have one owner for a device, and you seem to want two users (in addition to yourself who can dee all devices as the administrator) to both see one device this isn’t going to work.
I guess the solution is to create one generic user and have both of the people log-in with that one generic login.


Okay, I got your point.
But under Organization Settings → Roles and Permissions → Devices, I can see the View Devices and Control Devices permissions are already ON for the users.
Even though they can not see the device.
My point is if these 2 permissions are already granted then it should work.
Please elaborate more on this.

Devices has two sub-sections - Owned Devices and Organisational Devices. Which one are you looking at?


Oh yes, I was referring to Owned Devices where I can see those permissions.
Instead when I referred to Organization Devices then I can not see those permissions.
But while creating a new device we don’t have any choice offered to put the device under Owned Devices OR Organization Devices. Then how the device will be available to users?
Please tell me how to do that.

In the Device screen, click the three dots next to the o0nline/offline indicator and choose “Transfer”…



Will try and check how this works.